Monday, March 3, 2014

The Originals

The Originals #27

"Its really not that simple." Ben didn't look as if he could explain it. Of course, I did have better things to do than sit here at my laptop staring at him on a screen.

 My mum was making dinner with possibly a hoodlum. Naturally, Will had nothing to say about his brother. But at the moment, he was working and working on our communication skills.

If he really wanted this to work, he'd have to at least let me be part of his crowd, and stop the one nighters. Well, at least limit them.

Possibly, we were going out like a real couple.

"Well, is anything THAT SIMPLE?" I couldn't help to be sour about his so called romance with my friend Pip. "You, could have told me!"

"She..she spotted me on Facebook." Ben did admit. "You know, she was looking out for you."

"Looking out for me?" Now I winced. Funny, how people cared, as long as they got something in return.

I heard laughter from downstairs. There they went again. What was so funny about Gus?

There was only my room to hide out.

The doorbell rang. I almost jumped.

"Gotta go."

Ben really wasn't going to explain anything. I didn't really know how serious they were.

"You know, she broke up with the love of her life, for you!" I snapped. And clicked off before he could give me an answer.

Mum called me down.

To my surprise, there was Geo in the foyer.

I guess we had some catching up to do.