Wednesday, August 1, 2012

wee bit of Wednesday

The lonely sunflower in our garden. We planted like 8..but the squirrels got the rest. Isn't she lovely! We have corn getting bigger in the husk, too.
Lars and I went off on a plum picking adventure. This tree was dripping in plums. And they taste amazing to. I'm not so sure about my jam. I did use red wine since we were out of lemon juice. Still pretty good jam. I have loads to go. Lots of work of cutting the seeds out. But no one seemed to want these babies so we took just a little, and that was almost a grocery paper-bag full. Sometimes, I do think we could manage at my grandparents old homestead, but then I remember there are rattle snakes there. Although, he'd really love to try BEE KEEPING. He wishes we could have chickens in the city.
Keeping it Fresh! At the Olympics with UK's Tom Daily.
Jake Dalton..a name I want to remember in the American Men's gymnastics team
Its great to see Will & Kate like everyday people! at the Olympics.
Kohei Uchimura should really be in the movies.


  1. Ooh, I LOVE the idea of plum picking - so cute! :)

  2. Kohei Uchimura is one to be reckon with. I think he even tries to stump the judges too. He's something, all right.

  3. nice sunflower...and photo of dalton :)
