Tuesday, March 22, 2011

notes to my self..I suppose

I am getting some weird ideas for stories. Just not sure if they'll work..exactly..but I would like to explore a few "sexual" orientations I never read about. Truth be told, I might even know some people like this..and not even know it. Well, they won't even be reading this, anyway. By the looks of it, very little traffic on this blog.

But sometimes, I get ideas from TV shows I watch that never got there.

I'm just so sad that PRETTY LITTLE LIARS is over ..until June. At least I know "caleb" is coming back. I'm not sure I like it... how they left the show last night. Then SKINS was so good. I hope MTV brings it back and more people will watch. It is a different Tony & Michelle. Now if Degrassi could only make Eli darker. He does say some strange things.

Then I start to think about my own characters. How Doyle is growing up, keeping his religion as well..as new people he meets. He's not a major character..but he might be this summer. We'll see.

Oh...and Ellie..I know I didn't want to make her a Mom so quickly...but I did. And I guess the Mom factor really gets a shake or two. I wanted to write about young mothers. Although, she is far from being a teen Mom..or anything. I guess a part of her is like an Aunt I had ..who put up with her husband's little extra beggage. I still don't know how she did it. But Lonnie will be back.


  1. I get like that with shows, too. And my own stuff. But you can make it work. You always do.

    Thanks for all the comments . . . as for Evan and me, well, I have to admit I do like the idea of us as characters. And he's definitely going to pop up in one of my stories in some form or other, even if it's just a piece of him. Sometimes I really do wish I lived on a reality TV show . . . just so I could see what some moments of my life look like outside of myself.

  2. It'll be interesting to see what you come up with.
